Paisans Cares

Giving Back is at the Core of Paisans

We partner with select 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations through a variety of initiatives to fuel our charitable efforts and spread Paisans warmth.

Great Causes We Support

Susan G. Komen


Susan G. Komen is the ONLY organization that addresses breast cancer on multiple fronts such as research, community health, global outreach and public policy initiatives in order to make the biggest impact against this disease.

Every year in October, Paisans puts on a restaurant-wide initiative to raise funds for the organization by donating portion of the sales and selling awareness shirts to its customers.

Muscular Dystrophy Association


2020 will mark our 4th year celebrating Pizza Day for MDA. National Pizza Day is celebrated on February 9th each year. Paisans decided to turn this celebration into action by helping others. To date, Paisans has donated over $35,000 to Muscular Dystrophy Association to help people living with Neuromuscular Disease to live longer and grow stronger.

In May, Paisans donates pizza to the MDA muscle walk. Each year, we serve over 800 pieces of pizza to the participants and volunteers.

Ronald Mcdonald House charities


Paisans has a long history of working with Ronald McDonald charities. From toy drives to donating dinner to local Ronald McDonald Houses at Edwards and Loyola hospitals.

Pete also donates to Ronald McDonald during the World of Wheels show every year.

Boys Club of Cicero

Paisans is a proud supporter of the Boys Club of Cicero, an organization that provides a safe place to learn and grow while building ongoing relationships with caring, adult professionals.

To help raise funds for this organization Paisans donates a portion of all sales for their annual summer leadership camping trip.

Local Schools

Each Paisans location supports their local schools with food donations, fund raisers, and certificates for pizzas to reward students. Contact your local Paisans location or Robert Pesci at for more information or you can learn about Paisans Pizzeria here.

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